Saturday, October 13, 2007

dreams, doubts, death and beyond

From the day one starts to have beliefs, one starts to have doubts. The one thing that disturbs the most is the supernatural, philosophically though not psychologically. One is forced to believe that there is something more powerful that lives or that which makes life(?) The number of beautiful, mysterious, physical, psychological and automatic phenomena like dreams, for example shakes me to the ground. If one can explain how it happens, one is unable to explain why it happens or vice versa. It seems really pointless to analyze these things. It would be really easy to take things as they are and believe in what others do, but that is not the point.

Sometimes, one is almost convinced that death may have the answer or answers(?) The moment the soul and body detach, the other world appears and one starts to recollect(?) or atleast understand what is going on or what was. Will we have the answers? Will we ever know why we take birth? Will we ever understand why the One spirit splits into a trillion strands and make an individual and again reunite with the Perfect One by way of death? Are these the questions or the answers themselves? Will we ever know? Will we ever know? What if after death we pass into a long phase of dreams and again get deceived and again denied answers?

Would you like to know? I would...The answer(s) i assumed is blended in this post.

Friday, October 5, 2007

a penny and more...

Every person is his own reason for what he is in his life and how his life is. From my point of view, helping downtrodden people is completely pointless. They are so because they decided to be so. The richest of people, the most elite of minds and all those who are worth remembering were at some point of time, below what they later became. It was because of their decision and effort they reached that point.

So we are in no position to help poor people. If they want to lead a self-reliant life, they have to take the effort, and once they take an effort, they have it . If they are not ready, we need not help them. The balance of the world is maintained only if we work for our progress, helping those who do not work will bridge the gap between the high and the low.

The rich get richer and the poor get poorer - this is the way of the world. It is for every individual to decide which side to leap.

Help the people who deserve, not those who desire and those who do not even dream.

Monday, October 1, 2007

to be done...

To be nobody but yourself in a world that is doing its best to make you somebody else, is to fight the hardest battle you are ever going to fight.

wonder who said that...